Become A SEO Guru - The Easy Way
Critical research is the first step taken with a client.
Our comprehensive Initial Analysis Reports lay the foundation for the strongest
search engine success possible and determine the best path in achieving a return on your investment.
Ask The Right Questions
The analysis is an extreme amount of information we need to collect to take action and direction with your websites. It takes us approximately two to three weeks to aggregate the below data; then we deliver the reports to you in an online meeting format...
Write It Down Now
These reports allow all parties to understand the scope of the project and will allow us to write a Strategic Internet Marketing Plan (SIMP). Once this plan is complete you'll receive an official quote for ongoing SEO...
Mark It As Done
After that stage is complete you'll know what it's like to interact with our professional team, you'll have a significant amount of knowledge about the opportunity and obstacles, and we'll know what it'll take to help you achieve the success you want...
Step 1: Developing the Strategy (Initial Analysis Reports) These Reports Include:
From Local To National Campaigns We Got You Covered
Keyword Report – Define exact keywords and search phrases that users are searching on the Internet as well as the monthly search volume. This activity will give you an idea of the potential traffic searching for your products/services on a monthly basis.
Initial Website SEO Analysis – Our software will look at images in relation to load times for each page, broken URLs, as well as other areas as it affects search engines from crawling the site. The website is a critical factor in good SEO. The layers or “hierarchy” of any website structure is extremely important to a successful SEO project.
Competition Analysis – This report will help us identify the strength of the keywords and how hard or easy it will be to achieve search results. Our goal is to help you get a return on your business sooner rather than later. Keywords and search phrases are organized into a timeline, so then we can focus on optimizing keywords that can be won in the search engine on the front page while working on the more difficult keywords that can take longer.
Initial Ranking (Benchmark) – This report shows where keywords and search phrases are ranked today. Accountability is a vital and necessary part of any good SEO company. In our benchmark report, we will look at what keywords your website currently ranks for and where. Moving forward we will run reports benchmarking our efforts. We will run such reports every three to five weeks to measure the success of the SEO project.
Initial Competitive Intelligence Analysis – This step involves looking at who your top 10 competitors for the keywords and search phrases are and where they rank for keywords. As part of strategy and setting expectations, we have to know who your competitors are online and where they rank for the same keywords we’re going after. This analysis can help us dissect competitive websites and give us distinct advantages.
Backlink Strength Report – This report contains many mathematical details on the strength of your inbound links to the pages within your website. Every link that comes from another website or blog has a mathematical value called citation flow that will be reported. These links, depending upon what site they are coming from, the age of the domain, the content on the website, and other areas can either hurt or help your website. Building a solid backlink program that is steady in progression and rich in relevant content is vital to the quality structure of SEO.
Step 2: Ongoing Search Engine Optimization
We believe SEO is the single best investment most firms can make. SEO is the process of gaining trust and authority with Google (and other search engines) on specific keywords. Once that trust is obtained, and rankings are achieved, our clients tend to maintain their first page positions for years. This investment pays dividends month after month. There are only two ways that your rankings are diminished. The first is if competitors do a better job of optimizing the same keywords. We have specific approaches to combat this issue, which are detailed below. The second reason that organic rankings may change is that Google updates its algorithms. We welcome those changes. The last several “Penguin” and “Panda” updates from Google have improved about 80 percent of our clients’ organic rankings, with the remaining 20 percent split between no changes, or moderate declines. While no one can predict what the next Google update will do, our track record has proven that our methodologies are very much in line with the direction Google is trying to move with their SEO updates. Our methods are proven across many different industries, and in incredibly competitive marketplaces, which is why our clients have over a quarter-million first page results.
On-Page Optimization: On-Page, Optimization includes writing new properly optimized content to be posted to the site. This content adheres to all the best practices such as proper keyword density, keyword in the title, keyword in alt tags, appropriate keyword data in meta-tags, etc. If you so desire and provide back-end access to the site, we will post this content for you after your team has reviewed and approved such content for posting. In many cases, we determine that we merely need to optimize what already exists instead of writing a new piece of content. We will either provide our recommendations on how to improve existing on-page content and with your approval implement those changes or simply ensure modifications made by your team adhere to all of our recommendations/best practices.
Off-Page Optimization: Not all backlinks are equal, and you will never find us promise “x” number of backlinks since that has little value to you or the end goal of ranking. What we do provide are quality backlinks that come from blogs; these specifically talk about the keyword we're trying to optimize for, utilize the keyword as the anchor text, and link back specifically the article we want to rank for that keyword. We profoundly believe in a sustainable approach to backlinks and thus feel in the control of those backlinks. When Google makes a change to how they view backlinks with an algorithm update, we can alter our approach and make changes to all of the backlinks we've previously developed for you. This is how our clients have not only become successful but remain the incumbent winner in their associated spaces.
Toxic Backlink Removal: We will initially look for and then continually monitor for toxic backlinks coming from unfavorable backlink neighborhoods, and when discovered we will go through the process of disavowing them. We have largely streamlined the disavow process by continually developing our private software since the announcement of Google's Disavow Tool. Our tool helps locate toxic backlinks, requests the site to remove them, automatically checks in one week to see if removal has occurred, and then submits a report to Google if they haven't removed said backlinks to officially disavow them. This documented process is required by Google to disavow toxic backlinks. This process can be exceptionally time-consuming if done manually. Our tool does much of the heavy lifting, but we combine human intelligence to ensure that ONLY bad links are removed for the best possible results.
Social Signal Development: Social signals are beginning to have a significant impact on SEO, and that's why when we post a new piece of content for a client we develop social signals to that content. This activity is completed through our social signal network that tweets, +1s, and shares the content. We take a much more gradual approach with existing content as Google would view many social signals about an old piece of content as unnatural.
Weekly Meetings: We believe that we should have weekly meetings with our clients. SEO may take time, but we don't believe that our objectives/tasks should take any longer than they need to. By having regular meetings with us you can keep us accountable, and we'll keep you and your team accountable for the action items that need to take place. In these meetings, we will also be going over reports of the progress of the campaign, and consistently share with you the results of our relationship.
Our SEO Ethics:
We believe in white hat SEO, but actually take our ethics a step further; we pass everything we do through a simple litmus test.
There are five questions that must be answered of things we think, say, or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Is it the RIGHT thing to do?