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Writing long emails doesn't mean you are getting more work done. 

Instant, short and clear replies present quality mailtime to both mail composers and readers.



Our approach is comprehensive and is not limited to the account alone. We work with multiple accounts where and when we are needed... 



We take the time to ensure tracking analytics are set up correctly, that your landing pages are helping boost your quality scores (which helps lower your cost per click)



We provide daily analytics, weekly updates, and monthly calls on how we can further improve to get the best return on investment...

Social Media Ads Advertising Driven Campaign 

Integrating Accounts:  It is important to make sure everyone requested to work on the account has access through the business manager and establishes ownership for our clients. This includes adding on any business managers, ad accounts, pages, groups, or access we need to work efficiently without any passwords required. Typically accounts give us advertiser access so you still have full control over your account and any history with that account. This process is fairly easy and will help make life easier for you when having several employees or agencies working on the accounts. This will also help to keep track of who is posing what and when ads are being changed. 

Building Re-marketing Campaigns (segmentation for E-commerce):  As mentioned above, re-marketing campaigns can be set up after the pixel and analytics code is in place. This allows us to re-market to the same individuals who have previously spent time on your site if they did not convert into a sale. The goal here is to build campaigns around different products/services they were interested in and specifically target them to get them to make a final decision or get more information about you. Keeping your brand front of mind is just as important and the good news is you don’t pay unless they click. 


Awareness / Traffic Driving Campaigns: Brand campaigns or awareness campaigns are focused on building the image of your company through a social presence. Trusting a company should never be defined by the number of likes on a page but it is a start in pushing awareness and building a following. Other campaigns that do this well are informational articles or videos. 

 Audience Building / Lookalike Campaigns: Audience building can be a lot of work and will take up the majority of any ad campaign being launched. Using your buyer persona is going to be key in targeting the right person you are interested in advertising to. Over time with the use of the pixel code, (Facebook/Instagram only) an audience will be built. They will be called a lookalike audience that mimics your target person based on the interests that are shared among those that are converting. This gives us the best chance possible at a perfect customer and helps to reinforce re-marketing campaigns.


Full Ad Creation: Ads vary based on the social media platform. Regardless of that platform, we help to develop, the most diverse/results-driven ads based on text/images/titles/URLs/CTA buttons, etc. Each of these pieces can change the outcome of the ad. To make sure that we are continuing to improve the results of the ads we A/B test them based on the discussed key performance indicator. *Image creation is an additional cost* 

A/B Testing (KPI): A/B testing as mentioned above helps to test only one variable at a time without altering anything else so we can tell what is working and what is not. Typically, a client is looking to increase sales thus making their key performance indicator a conversion. This is not always the case as some campaigns are interested in awareness or promotion of a certain event. Yes, ticket sales are the goal but pre-campaigns to the release of a movie or concert are just as important to promote awareness. Once all the variables are testing across a full week (5 business days), we go back to looking at the audience. If no results have been found (very unlikely), we re-calibrate the audience and focus on lookalike audience building all over again. 


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